1. Achieve the best financial management by obtaining a Clean Audit Certificate
  2. Ensuring asset management being governed effective and efficiently in accordance to the asset management regulations in force:
    • Organize JKPAU meetings for 4 times a year
    • 80% of disposal applications processed
  3. Ensuring University's procurement being carefully planned and governed systematically as well as in compliance to the procurement regulations in force:
    • Organize JKSU meetings for 12 times a year
    • Organize University Tender Board meetings for 4 times a year
  4. Ensuring 85% of the payment completion within 14 days after the completed documents are received at Bursar's Office
  5. Ensuring 80% of all types of University’s receipts are conducted online through the mediums provided:
    • Online application for Collection process such as Bill Presentment, JomPay, QR Code, FPX
    • Use of MBB, BIMB, RHB credit card terminals at all receipt counters in UMK and PTj which collect revenue on behalf of UMK
  6. Control of expenses of the University Fund
  7. Increase a total of 25 percentage of self-generated income compared to the total operating expenses of the University each year